Mitosis flip book 20 pages

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Gamete: Now after meiosis, there are four daughter cells which if male, are four sperm cells and if female, are one egg cell and three other cells that form around the egg cell.Telophase II: In this stage the cells start dividing and the nuclear membrane reforms around the chromatids.Anaphase II: This is the stage where the chromatids seperate and start moving towards opposite sides of the cells.Metaphase II: In this stage the sister chromatids line up at the center and the spindle fibres attach and start pulling on them.Prophase II: In this stage the centrosomes start moving to opposite sides of each cell.

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Telophase 1: In this stage the nuclear membrane forms again around the chromatid, the two daughter cells forming are haploid.Anaphase 1: In this stage the chromatids start moving to opposite ends of the cell as the spindle fibres pull.Metaphase 1: In this stage the chromatids line up in the center of the cell, and the spindle fibres attach to the chromatids.You can print extra copies of the book pages if you want to add more intermediate frames in the flip book. When you flip the book, the animation should be fairly smooth. Prophase 1: In this stage the chromatids connect and cross over, this is when the chromatids trade sections. To make a good flip-book, each successive picture should vary a tiny bit from the preceding picture.Meiosis Slideshow The stages of Meiosis.

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